The dorkiest glasses ever!

I got these online (actually tried them on and thought they looked good! I thought they looked chic…NOT! lol) What was I thinking??? Well, I can tell you one thing, I am really rockin’ the “Velma” look (“Scooby-Doo” cartoon) lol…or maybe “Where is Waldo?” =(childrens book character)? I’m glad I got a 2nd pair that are more attractive, but I will still wear these because I am a bit of a dork/nerd. lol They do make me laugh!

Update: Even more Velma-(ish) without my signature lipstick. I’m actually starting to like these glasses. Maybe I should be worried…lol…but there is something liberating about the dorky glasses and no make-up. I don’t even need to pencil in my sparse brows, as with these glasses it doesn’t matter. You can’t see my brows. I tend to just wear my lipstick usually, but I think these glasses might go better without lipstick. I doubt the character Velma would bother with lipstick, maybe that cartoon character is my new fashion inspiration…at least on those frequent days when I really could care less.

A couple quotes I like:

The sky grows dark

The black over blue

Yet the stars still dare

to shine for you

-Matt Haig (a quote from the book: The Midnight Library)

Life begins on the other side of despair -Jean Paul Sartre

One of the basic laws of the universe is that NOTHING IS PERFECT. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…without imperfection, neither you nor I, would exist.- Stephen Hawking

Don’t expect perfection.

Nobody is perfect.

Love each other for who you are. (loveable

Nothing is perfect in this world,

Everything has it’s pros and consNivendita Sharma

This is a great self-help book:

“Your Erroneous Zones’ by Wayne Dyer.

I read this a long time ago, but alot of it has stuck with me. It’s a hard read. It is a book that really gets you thinking about your patterns (most of us have them), especially in regards to what I call (maybe the book does too?), ‘the blame game’. It is much easier to look outward when we are dissatisfied with out lives than it is to pause and self-reflect and to take responsibility for what we ourselves, can do to improve our lives. As I said, this is not an easy book, its actually an uncomfortable read, but I believe it is a helpful for many people. It has been many years since I read it, but it is actually a book I am thinking I will re-read.