Month: July 2022
Some videos by comedic artist Bill Bowles (he is on Instagram as well and does some awesome cartoons) I believe his videos go by the name Mike Santry, but he is the same creator….Brilliant stuff. These are from his youtube channel. Pre-warning, Some might find the God video disturbing and/or offensive. I, however, find it hilarious, so, I’m sharing it here:
Adorable little Lucy:

#Inktober52, Week29/Prompt: ‘Bird’: (version 1)

#Inktober52, Week 29/Prompt: ‘Bird’ (version 2)

Quick Oil Pastel Study:

#Inktober52,Week 28/Prompt: ‘Space’ (2nd version)

#Inktober52, Week 28/Prompt: ‘Space’

Thank Goodness for red lipstick and colorful scarves. I seem to never want to bother with eye make-up these days, but the color makes me look a little more alive. I wanted to take a few photos with little doggy, Lucy Liu, (or as I like to jokingly call her ‘Lucifer’). She had other ideas today, like breaking into the bathroom trash. I guess she’s bored. This is the 2nd time I’ve caught her trying to abscond with an empty toothpaste container. I know that can be dangerous for dogs so I may have to re-think my short, easily accessed trash can, or put it in the tall kitchen trash. (It’s apparently far too tempting). I will say one thing for Lucy, she is very good at sneaky stealth. I had no idea what she was up to.