You were my mothers “baby”, my fathers buddy, and my faithful and loyal “boy”friend. I always told you: ‘ I never knew the man of my dreams would be a doggy!” (lol). Who needs romantic love when you can have the best snuggles ever, with a buddy who will love you without manipulation, with fierce loyalty and love?
Could there be any more faithful male friend and companion than you? No.
You always made me laugh, you never made me cry.
You stayed with me over the years, especially on nights when I was down, when my son was still young and would go home and I’d feel so lonely and sad. … you were always there to soothe and comfort, to snuggle and give the gift of your devoted unconditional Love.
I only wish I’d never wasted time with certain people that I could have spent just with you. People who took my energy and depleted me, who left me more lonely and more sad.
A girl could not have a truer friend than you.
At my sickest, you have been there.
At my saddest you have been there.
You were always keeping me, and everyone else, entertained,.
You gave constant loving doggy kisses, …and sometimes unwanted facials too! …but I let you, because it brought you such joy to cover my entire face with dog kisses.
All of those beloved doggy snorts and snuffle sounds you made while rooting around for food…
Oh how you loved your food!
My little piggy, my truffle hunter…. I could never hope to sleep without my earplugs due to all those snoring sounds (which I loved too, which I already miss too…)
You were the best dog a girl could ever ask for. Dog is God spelled backwards for a reason. You taught everyone unconditional true love. You trained us all.
I miss you SO much already Jakey. I always will. I hope the red hot poker of grief will someday die down to a bearable ember, (until we meet again…)
It is astounding just how much I feel the loss of you. My apartment is so empty without your energy in it.
Your great big personality. Your enormous heart. Even your jealousy was adorable, which is something you couldn’t say of human behavior. (It was a much cuter trait in a dog!)
Christmas will seem so weird without you getting excited and opening your presents in a frenzy. . I never saw a dog as excited about opening gifts as a child is, but you were a forever child. It will be weird reading books without you slamming your paw down on them to let me know I should be paying more attention….so many things I will miss.
I’m grateful for every second I have spent with you.
My heart, my love, my doggy “boy” -friend.
We all will Love you forever.
march 22, 2010 – October 6, 2021.