I think in the above photos I took today I look properly pissed off, so I will include here (what I think of the NIH, ….not much.
I’m not sure why but I am having trouble sharing the article. If anyone is interested in reading about the latest big fail of the NIH for people with ME/CFS, go to ‘Health Rising’ and read Cort Johnsons article titled: ‘Epic Fail’…Cort always tries to put a positive spin on things and has in the past given the NIH more benefit of the doubt than many of us long term sufferers can stomach, but even he can’t find anything positive to say about this latest BETRAYAL, other than that we need to bypass the NIH and consider them to be nonexistent for us at this point, (as they have shown us they are liars and have no intention of helping us ever), we now need to bypass them and go over their heads, we need to focus on Congress. Congress has actually begun to realize the ME/CFS community is in dire staits and is no longer willing to accept the shitty dehumanizing treatment that has been our fare for decades.