Some great books I have read ,some recently, & some not so recently

Educated by Tara Westover

Where the crawdads sing by Della Owens

The Same kind of different as me by Denver Hall and Ron Hall

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

The other Einstein by Heather Terrell

(warning, do not read if you wish to keep a glistening idea of who Einstein the man truly was. Although this is historical “fiction”, enough has been documented as true fact, to be both disturbing and disappointing. I never knew his wife was so involved in so many of his theories. History did a brilliant job of washing away her accomplishments, leaving her fully eclipsed by her abusive (albeit, brilliant…. ) husband…Be prepared to be angry for her, and disappointed in the deeply flawed human that Albert Einstein was.)

The Help by Kathryn Stockett (the movie was excellent for this one also.)

I know this much is true, She’s come undone, The moment I first believed all by Wally Lamb (one of my favorite authors)

The worst hard time, the untold story of those who survived the great american dustbowl, by timothy egan (Excellent writing, phenomenal book , the author even manages to add some sarcastic humor to a subject that would seem utterly humourless.)

And lastly :The story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg , (I just read this one for the book club that we won’t be having a meeting for this month due to the coronavirus). This one was a light read, very nice, sweet story. I liked it. I will continue to post books that I enjoyed in case anyone is looking for reading ideas.

Some great and inspiring quotes:

Remember ,there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.-Scott Adams

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring out and make new trees. -Amelia Earhardt

True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.- Ellen Degenerous

For beautiful eyes, look for the goodness in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness, and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone – Audrey Hepburn.

Beauty surrounds us- Rumi

The wound is the place where the light enters you -Rumi

#Inktober52/ Week 5, Word Prompt: Balloon.

This is from week 5 of Jake Parkers Inktober52 Challenge. Instead of daily inking/illustrating challenges (as Inktober is), these are weekly word /drawing challenges. I’m still playing ‘catch-up’ as I decided several months into the year to participate, so these are quick drawings (like the daily’s in October were).

A good read:

Last months book club selection, I was sick that day, but still read the book. It had a lot going for it despite being incredibly sad at times. It was one of those books I have a feeling I will remember. (at least the overall plot line). I liked it.

Daisy Mae:

I took this last week,,,,

Apparently she reads tarot cards! who knew?!

Side Note: I only read them occasionally for myself, so please don’t ask me or Daisy for readings. We don’t personally believe in giving our advice as we are only cat and human….However, we are glad there are people out there who are able to offer the public tarot readings, and do not find it awkward to do so…. ) It’s just not our forte!

a couple of picture of me and the Princess Daisy Mae:

These are not the best ones of me, (wasn’t feeling too great that day, but not too terrible to take a photo) . I thought I’d post as I posted me and Jake in a different post today, I have to include my cat. technically she is my sons cat, but I feed her live with her etc….etc) )Daisy looks beautiful and regal as ever, the bottom one really captures her personality (at least I think so…). Sweet and haughty all at the same time….!