#Inktober52 /Week 51: Prompt: ‘Trumpet’
#Inktober52, Week 49, Prompt: “Book”(version 2.)
#Inktober52, Week 49, Prompt: “Book”
#Inktober, Week48/Prompt: “Yawn”
#Inktober: Week47, Prompt: Stairs
One of my favorites, dark, but beautiful. Leonard Cohens : “Anthem.” (someone made a beautiful video on you tube, to accompany the song…but these are the lyrics:
“The birds they sang,
at the break of day…
start again,
I heard them say.
Don’t dwell on what is past away,
or what is yet to be…
Yeah the wars ,
they will be fought again.
The holy dove,
she will be caught again.
and sold,
and bought again…
The dove is never free…
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your pefect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
Thats how the light gets in… That’s how the light gets in…
We asked for signs.
The signs were sent.
The birth betrayed.
The marriage spent.
The widowhood of every government.
Signs for all to see.
I can’t run no more… with that lawless crowd.
While the killers in high places
say their prayers outloud…
But they’ve summoned,
They’ve summoned up a thundercloud.
…and they’re going to hear from me.
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything…
that’s how the light gets in… That’s how the light gets in…
You can add up the parts,
you won’t have the sum.
You can strike up the march,
There is no drum.
Every heart,
Every heart, to love will come.. but like a refuge…
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack, in Everything… that’s how the light gets in.
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering…
There is a crack,
a crack,
in everything
Thats how the light gets in… thats how the light gets in….”
-Leonard Cohen : Sept 21,1934- Nov 10, 2016.
My response to Thesciencebit.net’s article titled”No more Mr. Nice Guy by Brian Hughes (Nov.21). So for those who are interested in the miserable politics (aren’t all politics miserable??) Look it up! If I died tomorrow, I would be HAPPY in Knowing that these horrible psycologists and psychiatrists who have had such a strong hold of abusive control on me/cfs patients and done such irreparable harm to so many with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis are on their way OUT, and will soon no longer be considered credible “EXPERTS”. In my opinion many of them should be jailed for crimes against humanity. At least they are being exposed. The Emperor has no clothes….and never did! ….and FINALLY the powers that be are “catching on” (in this case, NICE). Unfortunately, many people who have had covid 19 are ending up with something that looks a hell of alot like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Dr Fauci has even acknowledged this, and he should know , he has long been aware of ME/CFS and has never been a denier of its existence as a real and valid illness. I feel so sorry for them all. If only people had taken this seriously way back, so many people could be helped early on,before so much damage is done and they are prevented from losing out on so much of their lives. Permanately stuck in a half-life existence. So many could have been Prevented from becoming sicker and sicker because they were given BAD advice early on. (by the so called psychiatic “Experts”)And yet, this article gives me great hope. People in powerful positions are being called out!!! FINALLY!!!
Some quotes I like on Lessons learned:
Some times no matter how NICE you are
how KIND you are
how CARING you are
how LOVING you are
it just isn’t
for some people
– Madhu
Why bother trying to explain things to those who will misunderstand you, no matter what you do!
Because no matter how hard you try, you will never make them see you for who you really are
-Dave Hedges
“Life has taught me that you can’t control someones loyalty.
No matter how good you are to them,
it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way.”
Sometimes no matter how hard you want something,
you just have to give up.
It just ain’t worth the heartache.
One day,
they’ll regret what they lost.
No matter how good a person you are, you are evil in someone’s story