Happy New Year! I am personally Happy to see a new year. Hopefully 2022 is a good year for all. I’m know I’m ready to say goodbye to some old outdated beliefs, and leave some memories and past disappoinments behind for good. I wish everyone the best possible year. May you all be inspired to look for the good in life. Be kind, seek happiness, and try to look forward and not back.
some quick tiny paintings approx.3.5 x 3.5″
My Christmas present from my brother Mike: Shitake Mushroom log growing kit. It worked. How cool is this? yay!
My son Jack, holding the T-shirt quilt I made for him last spring:
Lots of Jack’s old favorite t-shirts went into making this project.
I finally got around to uploading it. I must say I was happy to finish this one. Ironing on all the stabilizers was the worst part of the project. I don’t know why but I had assumed a t-shirt quilt would be super easy to make, it took some time. I wouldn’t volunteer to make another one, but am very happy he liked it.
Lucy loves to hide under the blankets, she popped her head out because she thought I might have food.
Sia singing ‘titanium’, song lyrics by David Guetta:
poem by Bill Clayton:
work in progress: Drawings for a small childrens book (=volunteer project) for the healthcare center I go to.
The book I’m working on is going to be something that can be given out to children who have moms with chronic illness. I have had this idea for awhile and spoken with my therapist about it. I’d like to finish it by March or April. I have put it on the back-burner over and over (in other words, procrastinated). Being someone who tends ro get whaled with energy deficits and punishing symptoms over all manner of activity, (be it mental, emotional or physical …sometimes the mental and emotional can give such appalling physical symptoms…it can feel as though you did something physical to get more ill when you barely leave your bed. I have dreaded committing to a goal with a finish line. Mostly because I’ve a feeling it will cost me healthwise. Most of my projects and goals are one-offs, finishing a drawing, a scarf, doing simple tasks that don’t have to work together as a whole. Already I can see this will suck out a lot more energy than I want to acknowledge,(sometimes denial is the only way to get through things) but I really want to do this for the health center. I’ve one other childrens picture book I started years ago as well, If I can do this one first, at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing it may be useful to other moms and their children.
-mostly done-