Author: jess
Yeah, I thought so:
Fall Flowers:
Slideshow has mom’s magnificent succulents.

These are some of potatoes and sweet potatoes I grew in containers from potato eyes I saved and I think the sweet potatoes were just 2 potatoes mom planted and now there are literally dozens of them. The sweet potatoes are still small, (transplanted to the ground/ garden) I’m hoping the rest will get bigger before the ground freezes.

Love this!

Some photos of Lucy’s whine fest earlier today. I couldn’t figure out what she was complaining about (but she looked cute so I took some photos to capture her ‘pain in the ass-ness’) Later I found a dog cookie on my window ledge just out of her reach. That was what it was all about….her cookie!

My Brother sent me this bizarre video about a serial Killer from Cape Cod in the 1960’s. I never heard of the ‘Cape Cod Vampire before. Weird.
The video in this article is quite good at describing ME/CFS post exertional malaise:
Something I learned about first hand this summer, Queen Annes Lace is a beautiful flower, but needs to be treated with a healthy respect.
So, I still like Queen Annes Lace as a Flower, but I’ve gained a certain amount of respect for its powers of rash infliction. I never knew about phytophotosensitivity until this summer, or that queen annes Lace emits a nasty chemical substance that can cause skin reactions in certain”sensitive” people. Who knew???
I just got stung by a bee and feel it in my head? I never used to feel it in my head before fibro and me/cfs , so either the bees are more toxic or its another little added gift from the illness. Words of wisdom for anyone who is extra sensitive to bee stings. Soak the area in rubbing alcohol (it helps to remove venom) and take benedryl asap.At least they only nailed me once this summer….and I know its good they are around. My bad for not wearing gloves or paying attention!

Phytophotodermatitis – Plants That Cause It, How to Treat It
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